1: From today until the 3rd, the test chain will be closed.

01 Oct 2022, 09:46
1: From today until the 3rd, the test chain will be closed. After restarting on the 3rd, it will depend on the situation and move to the real chain or continue with 2 tests. 2: The second version of Elf Wallet is under development 3: The D&B code for the IOS version of the Elf Wallet will be put on the apple store (hongkong), and the time is to be determined. 4: Talking about deploying teddyswap (DRAC) 5: Discussing cross-chain DRAC/TEDDYV2/ELF/PIZA/TEDDY 6: The deployment of the stablecoin USDT (DRAC) is being discussed 7: Deploying WDRAC/WBTC/WETH is being discussed 8: The official chain node is being deployed 9: Discussing the deployment of the official chain node mining pool 10: Connecting to Bitmart's DRAC-20 channel 11: Continue to follow up on GATE's DRAC-20 channel 12: The method of obtaining the first gas (DRAC) for token holders is being discussed